Houseboat Holidays


Off Beat Vacations


Yoga - relax your mind • rejuvenate your body • reawaken your spirit

yoga india baba ramdev,patanjali yoga



Yoga Holidays



Yoga in India



Yoga Tour packages India



What is Yoga ?
The word Yoga means to "yoke" mind, body and soul. Through the practice of Yoga, one unites body, mind and soul. Yoga Asanas (poses) keep one's body young, dynamic, supple, strong and healthy. Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature.Yoga is a science which disentangles the Jiva (Human) from the phenomenal world of sense objects and links him with the Ananat Ananda (infinite bliss). Yoga originated at around 4th century BC. Yoga and its sutras were invented and developed by Sage Patanjali during that era. The common Yoga is also known as patanjali's Ashtang Yoga (An Eight part process).

What are the eight aspects of yoga ?
Yama- 5 universal disciplines of ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truth), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (self control) and aparigraha (non-covetousness).
Niyama- 5 personal values of saucha (cleanliness), santosha (contentment), tapas (penance), svadhaya (self study), ishvarapranidhana (surrender to God).
Asana- yogic postures to be performed.
Pranayama- control and regulation of the life-force prana through the breath.
Pratayahara- withdrawal of the five senses to steady the mind.
Dharna- concentration.
Dhyana- meditation.
Samadhi- adsorption or the state of oneness with God

Eight disciplines of ayurveda treatment, called ashtangas are
Internal medicine (Kaaya-chikitsa)
Paediatrics (Kaumarabhrtyam)
Surgery (Shalya-chikitsa)
Eye and ENT (Shalakya tantra)
Demonic possession (Bhuta vidya): Bhuta vidya has been called psychiatry.[2]
Toxicology (Agadatantram)
Prevention diseases and improving immunity and rejuvenation (rasayana)
Aphrodisiacs and improving health of progeny (Vajikaranam)


The various type of Yoga are

 Karma Yoga : the way of right action, serving without the motivation of obtaining the results of labor.
Bhakti Yoga : the way of devotion, devotion to a supreme being absorbing the emotions and self in pure love.
Jnana Yoga : the way of knowledge, studying god and learning to discriminate between illusion and the reality.
Hatha Yoga : the physical path, using the body through asana and pranayama to control the mind and senses.
Tantric Yoga : the feminine path, worshiping the goddess energy and seeing the body as the temple of divine.
Kundalini Yoga : the path of energy, arousing the energy stored in the chakras through breathing and movement.
Raja Yoga : the path of meditation, controlling the mind from wandering and obtaining mastery over thought.

The 5 most important points of Yoga are Proper Exercise, Proper Breathing, Proper Relaxation, Proper Diet, Positive Thinking and Meditation.

Yoga brings not only stillness and calm but also an indescribable energy and feeling of bliss.



Panchakarma (five actions) is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind and consciousness. It is known for its beneficial effects on overall health, wellness and self-healing.


“Yoga is like music, the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.” B.K.S Iyengar.


June 21 was declared as the International Day of Yoga by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 2014.









Rajasthan Holiday Packages

Royal Rajasthan (14 days) Forts and Palaces tour (21 days)
Rajasthan with Golden triangle (16 days) Rajasthan Cultural Tours (16 days)
Pushkar Fair Tours (19 days) Rural Rajasthan Tour (12 days)


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